Services of Accounting Support
“We provide our clients with accounting services given by our specialised staff. Our services are tailored to suit the needs of your business and facilitate the accounting process as well as minimise the dangers of non-compliance.”
Our top priority is the safe and regular operation of your business and its transparency through the regular operation of your accounting.
BPN's Accounting Support is offered in the most contemporary, reliable and immediate way.
Our department of accounting services is manned by professionals who have the expertise and experience required to support the accounting of any type of business with effectiveness and consistency.
We offer continuous communication and support for accounting services in Attiki and throughout Greece.
- Υπηρεσίες πλήρης Λογιστικής Υποστήριξης σε Ιδιώτες, Ελεύθερους Επαγγελματίες, Εταιρείες, Οργανισμούς Δημοσίου, ΟΤΑ, ΝΠΔΔ, Σωματεία, Συνεταιρισμούς.
- Έναρξη, διακοπή, μεταβολή, παύση Εργασιών
- Τήρηση Βιβλίων όλων των κατηγοριών
- Επίβλεψη Λογιστηρίων – Οικονομικών Υπηρεσιών
- Μηχανοργάνωση – Μηχανογράφηση Επιχειρήσεων
- Υπηρεσίες Εξωτερικού Οικονομικού Διευθυντή – Διευθυντή Λογιστηρίου
- Διαχείριση/ Ανάληψη Λογιστηρίων – Οικονομικών Διευθύνσεων
- Compliance with the International and Greek Accounting Models (IFRS, IAS. ΔΛΠ, GAAP).
- Διαγνωστικοί, Κανονιστικοί & Λογιστικοί Έλεγχοι
- Μισθοδοσία (Payroll)
- Συμμόρφωση σε κανονιστικά πρότυπα (Φορολογικές Αρχές, Επιτροπή Κεφαλαιαγοράς, Sarbanes Oxley, κα).
- Services of Fiscal Support
- Services of Accounting Support
- Services of Management Assurance
- Services of Developmental – European Programmes (ESPA, Developmental Law, etc.)
- Services of Business Reorganization /Restructuring
- Services of Human Resources (HR)
- Services of Legal Support
- Services of Digital Transformation