ενημερωθειτε για τισ υπηρεσιεσ μασ
We are by your side any time you need us. Because entrepreneurship acts 24/7.
Immediate response
We respond with immediacy and consistency to your every need.
Free consulting
We study your case free of charge before our starting a cooperation.
For more than 30 years we have been offering services of optimum quality.
Our Company is a Greek Equity Organisation of Consulting, Financial and Business Services with a dynamic growth and great experience. It cooperates with a large network of Consulting, Fiscal, Legal and Financial Entreprises – Organisations both in Greece and abroad, and it is thanks to those cooperations that it combines its Greek identity with an international one.
Sotiris G. Skaperdas
Chief Executive Partner
Our vision
BPN exceeds itself and enters the future with an innovative face.
In the present hard times, the challenges for the management of organisations and businesses are both high and important.
Our philosophy
For every idea or concern you have, we have a proposal.
Our vision
Entrepreneurship is the backbone of today's global markets.
Our values
The values of BPN reflect the principles and values that have characterised its founders and partners throughout their career.
Our executives
Sotiris G. Skaperdas CPA, CREs, LPP
Chief Executive PartnerMr. Sotiris Skaperdas is a graduate of the Business Management Department of the Piraeus University. After his graduation he got a master's degree in Finance, Systems of Control - Management Assurance and Accounting Models.
Ευαγγελία Α. Μπούγλα MBA
Executive PartnerMrs. Evaggelia Mpougla is a graduate of the Nursing Department of the National Kapodistrian University, from which she has also got a master's degree in the Organisation and Management of Health Services.
Georgia A. Mpougla CPA, CREs
Chief Operating PartnerMrs. Georgia Mpougla is a graduate of the Business Management Department of the Piraeus University. After her graduation she got a master's degree in International Financial Models - IFRS and in Systems of Control - Management Assurance.
Make an appointment for a free study of your case
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